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Traces of the Conflict


Design • Development • Cartography

Traces of the Conflict visualizes destruction in the Gaza Strip through interactive elements that create animation through user interaction. Working with Vertical52 for STRG_F and ARD Panorama (German media outlets), I conducted data analysis and implemented the visualization system that later featured as the cover story for STERN magazine. The research behind this project received the CIVIS Media Prize. The technical implementation pushed the boundaries of web-based geographical visualization. I processed complex datasets using QGIS (a geospatial data analysis software) and established a dedicated geodata server that outputs optimized geolayers I created. The frontend, built with NextJS and Maplibre (mapping technologies), delivers high-performance rendering by dynamically tiling the map into smaller SVG chunks, creating an optimized data pipeline between server and frontend that maintains smooth interactions despite the density of information.

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Satellitenbildanalyse der Gebäudezerstörung im Gaza-Streifen im Oktober 2023 mit farblicher Markierung der betroffenen Gebiete

